Kamis, 21 Desember 2017

Poetry "You're Nobody" 

You are Nobody..
You have many treasures?
You have many money?
You have everything?
And.. You are proud to have it all?
You should know that, You are Nobody..
Remember, You are educated by two wingless angels
Not only them, you also forget the God..
Have you ever thanked to those two wingless angels?
Have you ever grateful for what God has given you?
Do you know who those two wingless angels?
Do you know them?
Yes.. They are your parents..
Once again...
Have you ever thanked to those two wingless angels?
Have you ever grateful for what God has given you?
Have you ever? ..... Have you ever?
Never.. Never..
Because you only think about your own pleasure..
Remember that one thing is only temporary..
Starting from now..
Thanks to your parents..
Thanks to God for what God has given you..
Forget your own pleasure starting from now..

Moral Message : Don't be proud of what you have :)

Rabu, 15 November 2017

The Synopsis Of "Our Soulmate Will Not Go"

There is a woman named Kirana, who lived in a town. After she graduated from Senior High School, she moved to a city where she once lived in the same place, in the same town. After she moved, she wanted to continue her studies to an university she wanted, located in Singapore. What is the University Melior International College, she majored in a tourism school.

Already 1 semester passed, she met someone she had never met before, and she became his boyfriend while studying there, someone came from a city where she has graduated from her old school, his named is Andre. She believed that he is her soulmate, but very unfortunate, their relationship broke up in halfway, for 8 months they are together, so many memories are very difficult to forget. With the struggle of the Andre who was so amazed, she was willing to meet Kirana to Singapore, using his own money, with his little work but he can manifest his desire to meet with Kirana. Unfortunately, after they broke up, they lost contact, no contact can be connected, they broke up because Andre's parents. Until Andre changed drastically because his parents's messages. Of Course, Kirana very sad about it.

2 years passed, Kirana was graduated. Kirana started a new life, she was looking for job and she pass in her job. After 5 months of work, she is verry happy because he can make money from his own work. At the time the man who had been present in her life came back, he's not Andre but the other man who had stopped at her heart. However, she ignored the man, because he had betrayed her heart. 2 months passed, Andre Suddenly met Kirana in her workplace and asks her to marry him at the time . And they live together. 

Jumat, 10 November 2017


Name : Kurniati
NIM  : 1688203077

"Proses Belajar dan Pembelajaran"
A take home Assignment
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the subject of Belajar dan Pembelajaran

Destina Kasriyati, M.Pd.

Saya sebagai tenaga pendidik akan menerapkan Teori Skinner, yaitu proses belajar dimana saya akan mempersiapkan konsekuensi, imbalan dan hukuman terhadap siswa yang pantas mendapatkannya. Dengan cara ini anak didik dapat meningkatkan giat belajarnya, dan tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sudah pernah ia lakukan sebelumnya. Adapun Model Pembelajaran yang akan saya aplikasikan sebagai tenaga pendidik adalah Model Interaksi Sosial, Model Pembelajaran ini menekankan pada hubungan personal dan sosial kemasyarakatan diantara peserta didik. Model ini fokus pada peningkatan kemampuan peserta didik untuk berhubungan berinteraksi dengan orang lain (learning to life together). Pendekatan Pembelajaran yang akan saya aplikasikan adalah (Student Centered Approach) yaitu Pendekatan Pembelajaran yang berorientasi atau berpusat pada siswa. Strategi saya sebagai Tenaga Pendidik yaitu mempertimbangkan dan menetapkan langkah-langkah (steps) yang akan ditempuh sejak titik awal sampai dengan sasaran. Adapun Metode yang akan saya aplikasikan adalah Metode Diskusi, yaitu suatu Metode yang mana guru memberi suatu persoalan atau masalah kepada murid, dan para murid-murid diberi kesempatan secara bersama-sama untuk memecahkan masalah itu dengan teman-temannya. Dan saya akan menggunakan Teknik Kerja Kelompok, yaitu suatu cara mengajar, dimana siswa didalam kelas dipandang sebagai suatu kelompok atau dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok. Peran saya sebagai seorang guru adalah Sebagai Pengajar. Saya akan memberikan ilmu pengetahuan kepada siswa, melatih keterampilan, memberikan pedoman, bimbingan, merancang pengajaran, melaksanakan pembelajaran dan menilai aktivitas pembelajaran. Jikalau anak didik mempunyai Masalah dalam Belajar, misalkan ia tidak mengerti akan pelajaran tersebut, saya akan memulai dengan cara Pendekatan,dan Menanyakan mana yang tidak dimengerti, setelah itu saya akan menjelaskannya kembali seacara berulang-ulang, sehingga ia mengerti dengan apa yang dipelajari, misalkan minggu ini kita belajar tentang pembahasan yang berbeda dengan minggu lalu,saya akan menanyakan ulang pembahasan pelajaran minggu lalu, agar anak didik tidak mudah melupakan pembahasan yang sudah dipelajari pada minggu lalu, cara ini bisa membuat anak didik paham dan bisa tersimpan di memori mereka.

Rabu, 08 November 2017

Kesimpulan Pendekatan Pembelajaran

Dapat diartikan sebagai titik tolak atau sudut pandang kita terhadap proses pembelajaran, yang merujuk pada pandangan tentang terjadinya suatu proses yang sifatnya masih sangat umum,didalamnya mewadahi, menginspirasi, menguatkan, dan melatari metode pembelajaran dengan cakupan teoritis tertentu.

Bisa disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan pembelajaran ada 2 macam yaitu:
1). Pendekatan Konsep dan Proses
  • Pendekatan konsep adalah suatu pendekatan pengajaran secara langsung menyajikan konsep tanpa memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menghayati bagaimana konsep itu diperoleh.
  • Pendekatan proses adalah suatu pendekatan pembelajaran memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk ikut menghayati proses penemuan atau penyusunan suatu step sebagai suatu keterampilan proses.
2). Pendekatan Deduktif dan Induktif 
  • Pendekatan Deduktif adalah proses penalaran yang bermula dari keadaan umum dan keadaan khusus sebagai pendekatan pengajaran yang bermula dengan menyajikan aturan, prinsip umum itu kedalam keadaan khusus.
  • Pendekatan Induktif pada awalnya dikemukakan oleh filosofi Inggris Prancis Bacon (1561) yang menghendaki agar penarikan kesimpulan didasarkan atas fakta-fakta yang kongkrit sebanyak mungkin, system ini pandang sebagai system berpikir yang paling baik pada abad pertengahan yaitu cara Induktif disebut juga sebagai dogmatif artinya bersifat mempercayai begitu saja tanpa diteliti secara rasional.

Kesimpulan Sumber-Sumber Belajar 

Sumber  Belajar didefenisikan oleh Ahmad Rohani sebagai segala apa (daya, lingkungan, pengalaman) yang dapat digunakan dan dapat menggunakan proses atau kegiatan pengajaran secara efektif dan efisien dan dapat memudahkan pencapaian tujuan/belajar, tersedia (sengaja disediakan/ dipersiapkan), baik yang langsung, ataupun tidak langsung, baik yang konkret atau abstrak. Menurut Arif S. Sadiman sumber belajar adalah segala macam sumber yang ada diluar seorang (peserta didik) dan yang memungkinkan/memudahkan terjadinya proses belajar.
Dari keduanya dapat disimpulkan bahwa sumber belajar adalah segala sesuatu yang berada diluar diri siswa baik berupa orang maupun benda, pengalaman serta lingkungan yang dapat dipergunakan memudahkan proses belajar dan kegiatan pengajaran secara efektif dan efisien dalam bentuk abstrak atau konkret. Sumber belajar diklasifikasikan menurut jenis sumber belajarnya, yaitu dari Pesan (Message), Manusia (People), Bahan (Material),Peralatan (Device), Teknik/Metode (Technique), Lingkungan (Setting).Sumber belajar yang dirancang atau dipergunakan untuk membantu belajar mengajar (learning resources by design). Sumber belajar tersebut juga tidak dirancang untuk kepentingan tujuan suatu kegiatan pengajaran yang disebut (learning recourses by utilization). Tujuan sumber belajar untuk mengumpulkan informasi  terjadiya kegiatan berpikir yang kemudian akan menimbulkan pemahaman yang mendalam dalam belajar (McFarlane, 1992). Manfaatnya untuk Mendorong terjadinya pemutusan perhatian terhadap topic sehingga membuat peserta didik menggali lebih banyak informasi dan menghasilakn hasil belajar yang lebih bermutu (Kulthan, 1993). Lingkungan sosial dapat digunakan untuk memperdalam ilmu-ilmu sosial dan Lingkungan fisik (alam) adalah segala sesuatu yang sifatnya alamiah.Fungsi dari sumber belajar adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pembelajaran dengan jalan:mempercepat laju belajar dan membantu guru untuk menggunakan waktu secara lebih baik dan mengurangi beban guru dalam menyajikan informasi, sehingga dapat lebih banyak membina dan mengembangkan gairah. Selain itu, fungsinya untuk memberikan kemungkinan pembelajaran yang sifatnya lebih individual, dengan cara: mengurangi kontrol guru yang kaku dan tradisional dan memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk berkembang sesuai dengan kemampuannya.Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi sumber belajar yaitu dari Perkembangan Teknologi, Nilai-nilai budaya setempat, Keadaan ekonomi pada umunya, dan Keadaan pemakai. Dalam memilih sumber belajar harus memperhatikan kriteria; ekonomis, praktis, mudah, fleksibel, sesuai dengan tujuan.

Rabu, 01 November 2017



My name is Kurniati, you can call me Niya, I was born in Bagansiapiapi, August 31, 1998, I'm Single Child. When I was 5 years old, I ever "Wahidin Kindergarten" in Bagansiapiapi City. When I was 12 years old, I graduated from Elementary School 004 BaganTimur (Bagansiapiapi), and at the time I like a singer that is Justin Bieber, I love him very much, and I got crazy about him (Bieber Fever), in my bedroom very full of his pictures, and all of his songs I was memorized, I'm so crazy at the time, but he gave me motivation to Believe and Never Say Never, from his song's title, it's means, Believe and Never Say Never! You can do it! Since I like him, I love English Language, and I want to know more about English, I want to meet him one day, until now I still love him and his album and all about him, the name of his fans is (Beliebers, yeah I'm a Belieber)

When I was graduated from Elementary School, Me and my Parents move house to Tanjungbalai, and I was graduated from Junior High School 5 Tanjungbalai, I ever got 1st champ in the class for 2 times, I was so thankful at the time, and I was graduated from Senior High School 3 Tanjungbalai, and I once got 1st general champion at school and 1st champion in the class. So I was thankful also. And Now
I’m 19 years old, for the next 15 years, I want to be successful, successful in my career, to make my  both parents happy and proud of me, of course! 15 years from now I must be 34 years old. It takes times to achieve success, life doesn’t always succeed in doing something, there must be failure in doing something, but from that failure we learn, we know what is wrong and what is right, disable farmers who plant a crop, it takes time fertilize satisfactory results, in getting satisfactory results of course the farmer gives fertilizer and always manage the plant, in order to get satisfactory results. If the plant fails, he certainly doesn’t do the wrong activities again in planting.
In 15 years I will have completed my education, S1 in English Department and Education at Lancang Kuning University. After graduated from Lancang Kuning University, I will look for job vacancies, I will do social activities. I will often help and teach young children who need knowledge, maybe through opening English courses, and want to make the course into a famous course, in addition to me a teacher at school, or later I will continue to S2 (Amin). Within 15 years I will got married with my soul mate, and Inshaallah I'll have 2 children. Within 15 years I will spill my knowledge to my children, I will encourage them to love and love English. And when they're adults, I want them to be more successful than me. In the next 15 years I will be a much better person from now on. I will spread my knowledge and instill it in future generations, dreams and hopes of my people, Indonesia. In the next 15 years I will leave the sciences useful, so that young people are not strange with foreign language, one of them English, although we are Indonesian, we also have to be able to master other languages, as second language. Because English is an international language. In any country, every person must use English, not only English, Mandarin is also included, but maybe Mandarin is rather difficult. Therefore, I just want the next generation of young people to like English, to love English, and it is recommended to master English as their second language. In order not to be fooled by strangers who have evil intentions, who want to be their slaves. 

Within 15 years I, if there is sustenance I want to go abroad to look for job vacancy, although pass "Alhamdulillah" and if not pass, how else, just want to find experience. Within 15 years, I want to met Justin Bieber, and Within 15 years, if I have any sustenance and longevity I want to hajj with my parents, and maybe with my little family. In 15 years I want to see the world, travel all around the world with my parents (Inshaallah). Within these 15 years I just wanted to make my parents happy, want to see them happy in their old age. I will make them to be number one for me. Yes, surely everyone has a dream, including me, I also have many dreams that I want to achieve. All that desire must have a process. The process of starting all the circumstances and the process of enjoying them all. Indeed, it is not that easy but this is my dream. I want to be the one who got what I already thought.


Faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi proses belajar terdiri atas faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal adalah faktor-faktor yang berasal dari dalam diri individu dan dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar individu. Faktor-faktor internal ini meliputi faktor fisiologis dan faktor psikologis. Sedangkan faktor eksternal yang memengaruhi balajar dapat digolongkan menjadi dua golongan, yaitu faktor lingkungan sosial dan faktor lingkungan nonsosial.
Faktor-faktor fisiologis adalah faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kondisi fisik individu. Faktor–faktor psikologis adalah keadaan psikologis seseorang yang dapat mempengaruhi proses belajar. Beberapa faktor psikologis yang utama mempengaruhi proses belajar adalah kecerdasan siswa, motivasi, minat, sikap dan bakat.
Faktor-faktor eksternal yang meliputi lingkungan social diantaranya faktor sekolah, masyarakat, dan keluarga. Sedangkan faktor eksternal lingkungan non-sosial diantaranya lingkungan alamiah, instrumental, dan mata pelajaran.

Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

"Speech Contest in the heat of the sun"

This Morning, as usual, I woke up in my boarding house, and make the bed, at 5 am I dawn prayer and at 6 am I take a bath, and get ready for college soon and when I passing the canteen I saw the tent in front of canteen, I think that there is an event. I arrived in campus and one of our lecturers' subjects was done, and for the next subject is Introduction to Literature, the lecture named Mr.Budi, He was late to came to our class, maybe we think that Mr Budi was busy. a few minutes later, he came to our class with his amazing spirit.  He gave the greetings..
"Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.. ok guys, how are you today?" (mr budi's said)
"I'm fine, thankyou and you sir?" (Students say)
"Ok, I'm fine also, don't you want to watch your friend to performance the speech content today, the location is in front of canteen."
"We want sir" (Students say)
"Ok, let's go there, the attenden list will be signed there" (mr budi's said)
After that, I and all my classmates saw the Speech contest featured by my classmate named Nunung Susilo Putri, a very beautiful woman, as it should be, and a bit of soul. Our presence there we support nunung so that her spirit increases. When Nunung's name is summoned by MC, Nunung goes to the stage and Nunung presents a speech on "Bullying". Me and my friend named Netty Herlina and Rosma Uli sat in the back, because all the seats were full, so we sat at the back, and the sad story is that only us are exposed of the sun. When nunung are on the stage, we shout, "Go Nunnung Go Nunung Go !!! "and Nunung started her speech with spirit , as the speech progressed, the stomach began to growl and thirst was inflamed. With sweat running we were scrambling for paper to be fan. Of nunung's topic that I only get bullying points divided into 4 : Physical Bullying, Bullying in Emotional, Verbal Bullying and the last Sexual Bullying. And 15 Minutes Passed As for another advanced Personal, he's a man, a little humorous guy,he's looks like sissy, and he's nervous at that moment, who can make other people laugh over what he says, he says "This is my first time to follow the speech contest, I'm so nervous actually "his words are usual but people laugh a lot. And many other participants who took turns, soon the event was rested for all participants must to have lunch, and then we back to campus to sharing and learning with 3A class about another subject, the subject is reading, and Immediately after that, the discussion was done, and we back to home and Yeah that's my experience this morning while watching the Speech Contest. But Nunung is the most good one among the others. Good Job for Nunung :D

Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017


Guru berperan menyampaikan ilmu-ilmu yang dimiliki kepada muridnya. Guru merupakan sumber belajar muridnya. Dari gurulah , murid diajarkan membaca,  menulis dan berhitung Dalam undang-undang nomor 14 tahun 2005 pasal 1 dijabarkan tentang guru dan dosen, “guru dan dosen adalah pendidik profesional dengan tugas utama mendidik,  mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar,  dan pendidikan menengah. Peran guru di dalam proses pembelajaran, baik sebagai demonstrator, fasilitator, pengelola kelas, maupun sebagai motivator. Begitu juga selanjutnya pendidik juga harus mengetahui komponen kinerja profesional guru, baik dari segi gaya mengajar, kemampuan berinteraksi dengan siswa, dll. Selanjutnya pendidik juga harus mengetahui dan mempunyai keterampilan dasar seorang guru. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan peraturan pemerintah pada UUD No 19, tentang Standar Pendidikan Nasional, bahwa setiap guru harus mempunyai empat kompetensi yang harus ada dalam dirinya, yaitu : kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi profesional, dan kompetensi social kemasyarakatan. Berdasarkan peraturan pemerintah pada UUD No 19, tentang Standar Pendidikan Nasional, bahwa setiap guru harus mempunyai empat kompetensi yang harus ada dalam dirinya, yaitu: kompetensi pedagogik kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi professional, dan kompetensi sosial kemasyarakatan.

Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017

Kesimpulan Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran Beserta Aplikasinya.    

Adapun arti dari Belajar dan Pembelajaran, Belajar merupakan suatu proses usaha sadar yang dilakukan oleh individu untuk suatu perubahan yang tidak tahu menjadi tahu, dari tidak memiliki sikp menjadi bersikap benar, dari yang tidak terampil menjadi terampil melakukan sesuatu. Sedangkan, Pembelajaran merupakan suatu system yang membuat individu belajar dan berinteraksi dengan sumber belajar dan lingkungan. Adapun Macam-macam Belajar dan Pembelajaran yaitu,(1) Teori Klasik (Behavioristik) ,(2) Pengkondisian Klasik (Generalization (generalisasi), Discrimination (deskriminasi), Extinction (pelenyapan),(3) Gestalt (merupakan sebuah teori yang menjelaskan proses persepsi melalui pengorganisasian komponen-komponen sensasi yang memiliki hubungan,pola, ataupun kemiripan menjadi kesatuan. Adapun Teori-teori belajar yaitu (1) Teori Skinner, Menurut Skinner, pengkondisian Operan terdiri dari 2 konsep utama yaitu, Penguatan (reinforcement), yang terbagi kedalam penguatan positif dan penguatan negative, dan hukuman (punishment) (M.Asrori, 9:2008), (2) Teori Gagne, Menurut Gagne belajar member kontribusi terhadap adaptasi yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan proses yang logis, sehingga perkembangan tingkah laku (behavior) adalah hasil dari efek belajar yang kumulatif (Gagne, 1968), (3) Teori Metakognisi, adalah suatu kemampuan individu berdiri diluar kepalanya dan berusaha merenungkan cara dia berfikir atau merenungkan proses kognitif yang dilakukan (M.Asrori,20:2008).

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017

Novel : The Struggle doesn't betray the results

Namaku Zahra, biasa dipanggil ara, aku terlahir dari orangtua yang sederhana, aku adalah anak pertama dari 3 bersaudara, aku mempunyai dua adik laki-laki yang masih duduk di kelas 3 dan 5 SD, dan ayahku baru saja pergi meninggalkan aku dan keluarga kecilku beberapa bulan yang lalu, dan aku sekarang tinggal bersama ibu dan adik-adikku, setelah ayah pergi aku dan ibuku bekerja agar mendapatkan uang untuk makan sehari-hari, untuk dapat makan satu hari saja sudah bersyukur, ibuku bekerja sebagai tukang sapu di sebuah universitas, nama ibuku adalah Nur Kasih, biasa dipanggil orang “Bude Kasih” oleh banyak orang, ibuku bekerja disalah satu fakultas di universitas itu, ibuku adalah orang tak kenal lelah, selalu bergigih untuk bekerja walaupun kadang ia merasa letih, ia tetap mengerjakan pekerjaannya sampai selesai.

Dulu aku adalah anak yang sangat egois apa yang ku mau harus terkabulkan, dan ibu selalu berusaha agar bisa membelikannya untukku, dengan pekerjaannya yang tidak seberapa dan gaji yang tidak terlalu banyak, ia bahkan bisa membelinya untuk, seminggu sebelum ayahku pergi, ibu membeliku handphone baru sesuai dengan apa yang aku inginkan, betapa egoisnya aku? aku tidak pernah meminta apapun pada ayah karena ayah tidak punya pekerjaan dan ia juga sudah sakit-sakitan selama ini, aku hanya bisa merawat ayah, dan meminta imbalan kepada ibu.

Setelah ayah pergi, aku baru tau bagaimana susah payahnya mencari uang, dan aku selalu meminta barang yang tidak murah harga nya pada ibuku, aku merasa sangat-sangat bersalah dengan ibu. Pada suatu hari, ibu ku belum bangun pada saat itu, aku pergi kekamar mandi dan sholat subuh, lalu aku memasak air, dan menyedu the dan membuat sarapan untuk ibu dan adik-adikku. Suara gesekan sudip yang berisik membuat ibuku bangun..

“Apa yang kamu lakukan nak? Tumben kamu cepat bangun?” (Ibu bertanya padaku, sambil membawa handuk mau kekamar mandi) 
“Tidak melakukan apa-apa bu, hanya membuat sarapan untuk kita pagi ini, adik juga masuk pagi kan hari ini?” (Jawabku dengan senyuman)
“Oohh ibu kira ada berisik didapur, baiklah ibu mandi dulu dan mau sholat subuh, banguni adik-adikmu, suruh  mereka mandi ya, setelah itu kita sarapan” (Ujar Ibu)   
“Baiklah bu” (Jawabku) 

Lalu aku membangunkan adikku, setelah ibu keluar dari kamar mandi dan menuju kamar untuk melaksanakan sholat, aku menyuruh adik-adikku mandi. Dan aku menyiapkan seragam sekolah adik-adikku, setelah adikku sudah siap, aku pergi kekamar dan melihat ibu dikamar sedang berdoa, lalu aku pergi ke meja makan untuk menyajikan sarapan. Sambil menunggu ibu aku dan adik-adikku sudah berada dimeja makan.

“Kak, air the nya kenapa dingin? Aku mau air the yang hangat!”(Bentak adikku yang masih duduk dikelas 5 SD)           
“Kamu bisa bilang baik-baik gak? Haruskah dengan cara ngebentak seperti itu? Gak baik didengar tetangga tau gak?!” (Jawabku dengan lembut tapi sedikit kesal)  
“Hhmm.. Terserah kakak mau bilang apa?! Aku mau the hangat!” (Bentak adikku kembali)  
“Nih anak ya, gak ngerti apa yang dibilang!!! Kamu Buat sendirilah!!!” (Bentakku)

Lalu ibu keluar dari kamar, dengan ekspresi terkejut..  

“Ada apa ini ribut-ribut?” (Tanya ibu)   
“Ini bu, adik minta teh hangat pakai bentak-bentak segala” (Jawabku)
“Iya bu, kalau kakak yang buat pasti selalu the nya dingin gak pernah hangat, beda sama ibu” (Ujar adikku)
“Sudah-sudah, biar ibu buat kembali) (Ibu mengambil Teko air teh dan memasukkan air hangat didalamnya dan memasukkan gula kembali)

Aku merasa kesal dengan adikku, padahal dia lebih tua dari adiknya, malah dia yang sangat bandel. Lalu ibu menaruh Teko air tersebut di meja dan mengambil gelas-gelas kami dan menuangkannya ke dalam gelas kami masing-masing.

"Do not forget to read prayer before eating" (Mother said)
"All right mom (Answer us in unison)

A few minutes later..

We finished eating, and I escorted my brother to school by bicycle. Soon we came to my brother's school.
"Focus and diligent to study, do not be naughty, remember the mother's message, when it's time to go home from school, go home okay" (I said)
"Well, Bye Ara .." (answer my brother)
"Bye..." (I replied)
After that I rushed home, arrived home my mother was getting ready to go to college, to clean up the faculty.
"Mother, can I help mother working in campus, anyways I do not have work at home, I'm bored .." (Ujarku on mother)
"Are you sure? I afraid that you will sweat dear, let me alone to works "(answer my mother)
"No mom, let me go with you huh? Okay mom, please .. "(Force me on my mother)
"Hhmm .. okay dear, let's go"

And we went to campus together, arrived campus, I saw so many leaves fall, I can not imagine how vast this place, every street there are leaves that fall .. So all this time the mother do it alone? And I can only ask for a reward, I am stunned, I can not say anything? And mom immediately took a tool like a broom and a drain.

"Ara, why are you so stunned? (Mother asks me)
"Haaa .. it's okay mom, who did this all?" (I ask silly)
"Yeah dear, are not you able to help me? Otherwise you can sit in a seat under a shady tree there "(say mother)
"Hhm, no mom, let me help you" (answer me firmly)

Not long after, my sweat dripped and I began to feel tired.
"Oh god, how tired as my mother's job, I realize now, I feel guilty all the time, every time I ask for the reward of the mother" (I think in my teary heart and eyes)

Then mom came to me ..
"What happened to you? Are you tired? Get some rest, listen to the mother's talk, go to rest under the tree "(Say mother to me, with a falling sweat,and her tired face)
"No mom! I do not feel tired, I just want to drink, I'll take a drink there "(Answer me)
"Ohh well" (Mother's answer)

And I drank a few degrees, I left the mineral water for my mom, then I went back to work.

Early in the morning, at 9:30 we just finished clearing the faculty yard, me and my mom sat for a moment under the tree while talking.

"Mom, do not you get tired doing this every day?" (I asked)
"Yaaa .. how? what should I do??? If I do not work we will not eat"(Mother's answer)
"Hhhmm .. Later we will come here again mom?" (I asked)
"Let me do this all, go home, and cook lunch for your brothers" (say mother to me)
"But mom .. I can not bear to see the mother working alone" (I replied sadly)
"If you come to work, how about your brothers, are you willing to see him not eating?" (Say mother)
"No mom, I do not have the heart, but I pity to see the mom doing it alone" (I replied with a sad face)
"It's okay, my job this afternoon is not so heavy, just put together messy chairs in the classroom and turn off the fan that is still burning , go home, cook lunch for us to eat" (replied my mom again)
"Well mom, I'll go home" (With a heavy heart leaving my mother)

On the way home there was a man who smiled at me, he was very handsome and he might be a good man. But unfortunately only a glance.
In the crossroads, there was another man teasing me, I was afraid at the time, I did not know what to do, I was silent. They came to me.

"Where is it beautiful from? why do you sweat? "(The men asked me)
"Do not approach me, or I shout!" (Threaten me with fear)
"Hey .. Hey .. do not be afraid pretty, we are not evil okay, may acquaintances not?" (The man gave his right hand to me)
"Do not touch me, I do not want to meet you guys! Go there! "(I am anxiously snapped)
"Very fierce" (The words of the men)
"Beware you guys!" (I pushed the men strongly, then I ran to the house)

When I get home I feel tired because run out ..

"Huh basic men do not know themselves, there is no other way what want to acquaintance with girls, very like to make afraid!"

And I go to the house and go to the room to get a towel and shower immediately, after the shower I prepare the ingredients for cooking. Before long I cooked food, my brothers arrived home. I immediately told them to change clothes.

"Ara, where is mom? Not home yet? "(Ask my brother)
"Still faculty sweety, soon again home, how is your school?" (I asked them)
"Today is so fun day, classroom was for those who can answer given the gift of candy lollypop" (answer my brother who grade 3 SD)
"What did she learn? Did you get one of those lollypop candies? "(I asked again)
"Yeah, the teacher asked about What is the meaning of" You're so beautiful "(Answer my brother)
"Haha ..: D then, what your answer dear?" (I asked)
"I replied" You are very beautiful ", is is the correct?" (Answer and ask again)
"Yaa its correct, thanks , hahaha ..: D  I'm beautiful right?" (My candle to younger brother)
"Iiihh I am serious?!" (Her face somewhat so annoyed to me)
"Hehehe okay bro, if you are wrong maybe the teacher not give you candy lollypop" (answer me)

The length of our conversation, the mother arrived at home, with her face that looks very tired.
Then my mom sat up to us, while sweating.

"Huufftt .. Hahh .. do you have lunch?" (Ask Mother to us)
"Not yet, we wait for mom back home, bad atmosphere if there is no mom" (answer me)
"Hhmm .. (With a smile) Okay, let's go in, I want to take a bath first, while it's the fig of food on the table" (Mother said)
"Well mom, I'll serve it" (My answer)

Then we went into the house, I bath while I serve food on the table. After my mom bathed, we ate lunch together. After lunch we took a nap.

Day began the evening, I woke up, I saw my mother's room, mother was not in the room, and I just remember that my mother went back to the faculty to clean up the faculty. And I went to bathe.

My mother came home from the faculty around 6 pm, she was carrying used bottles, for sale, and in the evening we went to the bottle sale and got only Rp.20.000, and that was enough to eat a day.

So every day we went together, but day after day I passed, I got bored with my activities like this, Registration in university was open, I want to continue to college, then one day I discussed to my mother.

"Mom, I want to register to college?" (I asked)
"Not that I'm not allowing you to go to college, I don't have much money" (replied my mother with sad face)
"But mom, how does our life continue like this?" (Answer me with my selfishness)
"Yes I understand, but how else, but I will try?" (My mother answered with a doubt)

"Are you serious?" (With a happy expression)

At night around 2 pm, I heard the sound of crying, at first I was frightened but impossible, the voice was heard from the mother's room, with fear and daring, I slowly walk to the mother's room, and peep, it turns out my mother was praying night (Tahajud Prayer) he cried, and I heard him say "Oh God, help me to realize the dream of a son of a servant who wants to go to college, strive my provision, give me a way to be able to lecture him in university".I feel so sad, why am I so selfish? Why do not I think, my family circumstances like this? Why my selfishness does not go away? Hiks .. hikss .. hikss .. (my tears fall like a very heavy rain) and mother hear me crying.

"Who's there?" (Said the mother with a shock)
"I'm ara, mom." (Then I walked over and hugged my mother)
"What's up, why not sleep?" (Ask the mother while wiping her tears)
"I was already sleeping mom, but I heard the sound of crying, I was afraid and I went to my mother's room, it sounds mother's voice, bu I'm sorry, I'm not forcing you to lecture me, sorry with selfishness mom"

"I will try for your future dear, do not follow the footsteps of mothers who only sweepers, chase your dreams, mothers will try to find another way to get the money" (Mother replied with confidence)

"I'm so sorry, I've troubled you, I promise to be seriously undergoing this lecture, I love you" (while embracing my mother, and my tears are continuously falling)
"Well dear, go back to sleep" (Send my mother)
"I want to sleep with you tonight" (I replied)
"Haha .. you're big, still sleeping with me? Let's sleep, (said my mother)

3 days passed, as we usually do every day. However, my mother came home earlier than usual. With my puzzled face asking ..

"Mom? Why go home early? "(I ask with confusion)
"Mother do not work today, I would talk to you for a while dear?" (Answer mother with happy face)
"What are you talking about, mom seems so happy today" (I asked)
"Yes dear, I have got the money for your college" (while sitting)
"Really mom?" (My answer with surprise)
"Yeah, this is the money , let me to save it, okay" (said my mom)

"Alhamdulillah, okay mom" (I replied with pleasure)

One day I went to register in a university and took an exam, and I have pass at the university, I started to study the next week. Then I thank you for my mother's struggle. But I'm still confused from where the mother can be that much money. Then I went to the mother who was burning garbage.

"Mom, can we sit down for a while" (I said)
"Yes of course, what is it?" (Ask mom)
"I have pass at the university mom" (I say with pleasure)
"Thank goodness dear" (Reply mother with a happy feeling too)
"But mom .. where did you get that much money?" (I asked with a puzzled face)
"Actually, I during this time saving , I did not tell anyone" (Mother's answer)
"Really mom? for what save the money?? "(I asked again)
"I wants to raise money for the hajj, but it's okay, for sake your future, I willing to give the money to you" (Mother's answer)
"OMG, why do not you tell me" (with annoyance, sadness and self-blame)

"It's okay, achieve your dreams, your future is still long" (Said mother)

(I bow to my mother's knee, and I thank her)
"Thank you for all your sacrifices, I love you very much" (while kissing my mother's hand and kissing my mom's cheek)
"Yes dear" (Answer my mother with a smile while shedding tears)

And finally I enter the lecture, and run it until the next graduation.

MORAL MESSAGE: Be thankful for what God has given, and do not be a selfish person, be grateful, especially grateful that you are born from rich parents, all can be realized, for someone like Zahra so grateful to have been given a mother very remarkable like Bude Surkasih.

Kamis, 12 Oktober 2017

Kesimpulan Motivasi Belajar

Motivasi adalah dorongan yang timbul diri seseorang, secara disadari, untuk melakukan tindakan dengan tujuan tertentu, selain itu juga motivasi bisa diartikan usaha yang dapat menyebabkan seseorang atau kelompok  orang untuk bergerak melakukan sesuatu karena ingin mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Motivasi dapat dibagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu, motivasi dari dalam diri seseorang (Internal) dan motivasi yang dating dari luar yang berupa usaha membentuk diri orang lain. Secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa tujuan motivasi adalah untuk mengerankan atau menggugah seseorang agar timbul keinginan dan kemauan untuk melakukan sesuatu sehingga dapat memperoleh hasil dan mencapai tujuan tertentu. Adapun Jenis Motivasi Belajar yaitu, yang pertama motivasi Intrinsik yang timbulnya dari dalam diri individu, Faktor yang dapat menimbulkan motivasi intrinsik adalah Adanya kebutuhan, Adanya pengetahuan tentang kemajuan dirinya sendiri , Adanya cita-cita atau aspirasi. Yang kedua yaitu Motivasi Ekstrinsik, yang timbulnya akibat adanya pengaruh dari luar individu yang mendorongnya untuk melakukan kegiatan belajar. Bentuk motivasi ekstrinsik ini merupakan suatu dorongan yang tidak secara mutlak berkaitan dengan aktivitas belajar seperti hadiah,pujian,ajakan,suruhan, atau paksaan dari orang lain sehingga dengan keadaan demikian orang mau melakukan sesuatu. Fungsi Motivasi Belajar, secara garis Oemar Hamalik (1992), ada tiga fungsi motivasi, yaitu untuk mendorong manusia untuk berbuat, menentukan arah perbuatan yakni tujuan yang hendak dicapai, dan menyeleksi perbuatan. 

Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017

Kesimpulan Prinsip-Prinsip Belajar:

Perhatian berhubungan dengan motivasi sebagai tenaga penggerak belajar. Motivasi belajar dapat bersifat internal atau eksternal, maupun intrinsik atau ekstrinsik. Kondisi perhatian dan motivasi belajar tersebut mempengaruhi rekayasa cara pembelajaran siswa. Belajar memang bersifat individual, oleh karena itu belajar berarti suatu keterlibatan langsung atau pemerolehan pengalaman individual yang unik. Belajar juga tidak terjadi sekaligus,tetapi akan berlangsung penuh pengulangan berkali kali, berkesinambungan, tanpa henti. Belajar yang berarti terjadi bila bahan belajar tersebut menantang siswa. Belajar juga menjadi terarah bila ada balikan dan penguatan dari pembelajar.

Kamis, 28 September 2017

Kesimpulan dari Hakikat Belajar dan Pembelajaran

Adapun kesimpulan dari Hakikat Belajar dan Pembelajaran adalah sbb:
Belajar adalah proses mental yang terjadi dalam diri seseorang, sehingga menyebabkan munculnya perubahan perilaku mental karena adanya interaksi individu dengan lingkungan yang disadari.
Pembelajaran adalah proses interaksi antara peserta didik dengan lingkungan, sehingga terjadi perubahan perilaku kearah yang lebih baik. Tujuan belajar dan pembelajaran mencakup tujuan intruksional, tujuan pembelajaran, dan tujuan belajar.

Selasa, 23 Mei 2017

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb..

Name                             : Kurniati
Birthdate                        : Bagansiapiapi,August 31 1998
Hobby                            : Listening to Music and Singing
University                      : Lancang Kuning University (UNILAK)
Fakulty                           : FKIP Bahasa Inggris
Reason                           : Menurut Saya Bahasa Inggris itu bisa dikatakan bahasa yang unik karena apa yang ditulis dan apa yang dibaca itu berbeda, dan ada beberapa kata yang mempunyai banyak makna, alasan mengapa  saya menyukai bahasa inggris? saat saya mengidolakan seorang artis bollywood saat itu, yang bernama Justin Bieber pada tahun 2008 saat lagu yang telah booming pada saat itu “Baby” , dan pada saat itu saya mulai tertarik pada bahasa inggris karena bahasa nya yang unik, saya sudah memberitahukan anda sebelumnya kan? Selain itu saya juga mengidolakan Justin juga, dan saya mulai mengerti bahasa inggris saat saya mulai memasuki Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan waktu berlalu dengan sendiri nya sampai pada saat ini saya masih tetap menyukai bahasa inggris, Mungkin ini bisa dikatakan promosi tapi tidak sombong, pada saat saya membuka twitter saya pada saat itu, saya sedang mencari berita baru tentang Justin pastinya, dan ketika saya membuka akun nya ada sesuatu yang membuat saya tidak bisa berkata apa apa, dan merasakan perasaan yang bercampur aduk, (Sedih& Senang) kita sebut saja rasa “Nano Nano” Haha..

 Kalian bisa melihat nya dari gambar ini (Fokus pada Garis Merah)

Coba anda bayangkan ketika anda di follow back oleh idola anda, apa yang anda rasakan? Hhmm
J itu hanya sekedar promosi.. Haha.. Dan ketika saya tamat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) saya berniat untuk melanjutkan kuliah di Universitas Lancang Kuning (UNILAK) dan memilih jurusan yang berkaitan dengan “Bahasa Inggris” , pada saat itu ada dua pilihan “Sastra Inggris” dan “FKIP Bahasa Inggris” dan saya minta pendapat denga kedua orangtua saya, dan pendapat mereka ingin saya mengambil jurusan “FKIP Bahasa Inggris” Yeeaaa.. Waktu berlalu begitu saja.. baru saja tahun lalu saya Semester 1 dan saya sekarang sudah Semester 2, dan 10 tahun kedepan saya ingin menjadi orang yang sukses pastinya.. Amin ya Allah J Saya ingin membahagiakan kedua orangtua saya, keinginan saya dari dulu ingin berangkat haji bersama orangtua, dan saya ingin menjadi seorang yang berguna bagi orangtua, Nusa dan Bangsa.. Saya ingin memperluaskan Bahasa Inggris untuk generasi kedepannya, karena Indonesia sudah termasuk MEA, agar generasi berikutnya tidak aneh dengan bahasa inggris yang bisa dikatakan aneh.. Haha..
Itulah alasan saya mengapa saya menyukai bahasa inggris dan memilih jurusan FKIP Bahasa Inggris.
Sekian&TerimaKasih J

Selasa, 28 Februari 2017


What is Linguistics?
Each human language is a complex of knowledge and abilities enabling speakers of the language to communicate with each other, to express ideas, hypotheses, emotions, desires, and all the other things that need expressing. Linguistics is the study of these knowledge systems in all their aspects.
Because language is such a central feature of being a human, Linguistics has intellectual connections and overlaps with many other disciplines in the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. Some of the closest connections are with Philosophy, Literature, Language Pedagogy, Psychology, Sociology, Physics (acoustics), Biology (anatomy, neuroscience), Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Health Sciences (Aphasia, Speech Therapy). 
The main purpose of the study of Linguistics in an academic environment is the advancement of knowledge. However, because of the centrality of language in human interaction and behavior, the knowledge gained through the study of linguistics has many practical consequences and uses.
Linguistics is the study of language - how it is put together and how it functions. Various building blocks of different types and sizes are combined to make up a language. Sounds are brought together and sometimes when this happens, they change their form and do interesting things. Words are arranged in a certain order, and sometimes the beginnings and endings of the words are changed to adjust the meaning. Then the meaning itself can be affected by the arrangement of words and by the knowledge of the speaker about what the hearer will understand. Linguistics is the study of all of this.

 Linguists are people who study linguistics.

"Linguistics is concerned with human language as a universal and recognizable part of human behavior and of the human abilities." Raja T. Nasr (1984).
"Linguistics is competence as being a persons potential to speak a language, and his or her linguistics performance as the realization of that potential." Monica Crabtree & Joyce Powers (1994).

There are various branches of linguistics which are given their own name, some of which are described below:
1.             -General linguistic, generally describes the concepts and categories of a particular language or among all language. It also provides analyzed theory of the language.

-Descriptive linguistic describes or gives the data to confirm or refute the theory of particular language explained generally.

2.    Micro linguistic is narrower view. It is concerned internal view of language itself (structure of language systems) without related to other sciences and without related how to apply it in daily life. Some fields of micro linguistic:

Phonetics is the study of the sounds of speech. It includes understanding how sounds are made using the mouth, nose, teeth and tongue, and also understanding how the ear hears those sounds and can tell them apart. A study of phonetics involves practicing producing (sometimes exotic) sounds, and figuring out which sound you heard. The wave form of each sound can be analysed with the help of computer programs. In sign language, phonetics refers to the the possible shapes, movements and use of physical space.

Phonology makes use of the phonetics in order to see how sounds or signs are arranged in a system for each language. In phonology, it matters whether sounds are contrastive or not, that is, whether substituting one sound for another gives a different, or "contrastive," meaning. For example in English, [r] and [l] are two different sounds - and the words "road" and "load" differ according to which of these sounds is used. But in some languages, [r] and [l] are variations of the same sound. They could never make a meaning difference in words that differ by only that sound. Phonologists describe the contrastive consonants and vowels in a language, and how pronunciation is affected by the position of the sound in the word and the sounds that are nearby. They are also interested in syllables, phrases, rhythm, tone, and intonation.

Morphology looks at how individual words are formed from smaller chunks of meaningful units called morphemes. For example, the English word 'untied' is really made up of three parts, one refering to the process of reversing an action (un-), one indicating the action of twisting stringlike things together so they stay (tie), and the last indicating that the action happened in the past (-d). Many languages have a much more complex way of putting words together. Morphology interacts in important ways with both phonology (bringing sounds together can cause them to change) and syntax, which needs to pay attention to the form of a word when it combines it with other words.

Syntax is the study of how phrases, clauses and sentences are constructed and combined in particular languages. Writing a grammar requires defining the rules that govern the structure of the sentences of the language. Such rules involve both the order of words, and the form of words in their various possible positions. There are common patterns among even unrelated languages, and many linguists believe this is the result of general principles which apply to most, if not all, languages. For example, languages where the direct object generally follows the verb have a lot of things in common, in contrast to the things in common held by languages in which the direct object generally precedes the verb.

Semantics is the study of how meaning is conveyed through signs and language. Linguistic semantics focuses on the history of how words have been used in the past. General semantics is about how people mean and refer in terms of likely intent and assumptions. These three kinds of semantics: Formal, Historical, and General-Semantics are studied in many different branches of science (methods of studying meaning vary widely). Understanding how facial expressions, body language, and tone affect meaning, and how words, phrases, sentences, and punctuation relate to meaning are examples of Semantics. Denotations are the literal or primary meaning[s] of [a] word[s]. Connotations are ideas or feelings that a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning. During the 19th century, Philosopher John Stuart Mill defined semantic meaning with the words "denotation" and "connotation".[2] The original use of "meaning" as understood early in the 20th century occurred through Lady Welby, after her daughter translated the term "semantics" from French.

Pragmatics is the study of how context affects meaning. The two primary forms of context important to pragmatics are linguistic context and situation context.
    þ  Linguistic context is how meaning is understood without relying on intent and assumptions. In applied pragmatics, for example, meaning is formed through sensory experiences, even though sensory stimulus cannot be easily articulated in language or signs. Pragmatics, then, reveals that meaning is both something affected by and affecting the world. Meaning is something contextual with respect to language and the world, and is also something active toward other meanings and the world. Linguistic context becomes important when looking at particular linguistic problems such as that of pronouns.

    þ  Situation context refers to every non-linguistic factor that affects the meaning of a phrase. An example of situation context can be seen in the phrase "it's cold in here", which can either be a simple statement of fact or a request to turn up the heat, depending on, among other things, whether or not it is believed to be in the listener's power to affect the temperature.

-Discourse analysis
Discourse analysis looks at bigger chunks of language - texts, conversations, stories, speeches, etc. Different types of these use language differently, and there can even be differences in how a language is used based on the genre. For example, "Once upon a time" is an appropriate start to a fairy tale, but not to a news story on the evening news. Discourse features can also show important principles of organization such as which players in a story have key roles and which just have bit parts.

3.        Macro linguistic is broadest view of language. It is concerned external view of language itself with related to other sciences and how to apply it in daily life. Some fields of micro linguistic:

-Historical Linguistics
Historical Linguistics is the study of how languages have changed over time. Some changes happen because of slow (maybe incremental) changes within the language, such as in pronunciation or in the meaning of a word. Other changes happen because of contact with speakers of other languages. The most well know example of this is "borrowing," but language contact can cause other types of change as well. It can be interesting to compare phonology, syntax and word lists of similar or geographically close languages to see how similar they are. Some linguists then use this information to figure out the past of the languages, such as when two languages split from each other. Combined with other known facts about the speakers of the language, it can lead to important discoveries about their history.

Sociolinguistics is the study of society and language. Sociolinguists may use surveys to examine in which contexts a language is used (e.g. market, home, school, workplace) and the attitudes to each language (particularly in multilingual contexts). They may look at ways that variation in a particular language correlates with social factors such as speaker age, ethnic identity, location, etc.
As we are learn language, we learn to classify. In linguistics, we use language to classify language and this is by no means an easy task. However scientific we may try to be, we carry to our study many of the experiences and attitudes we absorbed as we acquired our mother tongue. Because of this we can never be as objective about language as we can be about the objects we classify by means of language.