Poetry "You're Nobody"
You are Nobody..
You have many treasures?
You have many money?
You have everything?
And.. You are proud to have it all?
You should know that, You are Nobody..
Remember, You are educated by two wingless angels
Not only them, you also forget the God..
Have you ever thanked to those two wingless angels?
Have you ever grateful for what God has given you?
Do you know who those two wingless angels?
Do you know them?
Yes.. They are your parents..
Once again...
Have you ever thanked to those two wingless angels?
Have you ever grateful for what God has given you?
Have you ever? ..... Have you ever?
Never.. Never..
Because you only think about your own pleasure..
Remember that one thing is only temporary..
Starting from now..
Thanks to your parents..
Thanks to God for what God has given you..
Forget your own pleasure starting from now..
Moral Message : Don't be proud of what you have :)